Friday, September 12, 2014

How massive terrorism really is?

We were all shocked by the news of the bomb put on the Escuela Militar subway station. The TV transmission lasted all day from 2 pm until past midnight in some channel. But have you ever wondered why terrorist crimes are so much relevant for governments around the world?
We’ve all seeing the reactions around the world. The united states react to the 9-11 terrorist attack declaring a war to Irak that lasted from 2003 to 2011 and been resumed not long ago with the return from us military forces to Irak in the summer of the present year 2014, also lead them to a 9 years long chase of Osama Bin Laden. In London and other places that have suffered from terrorist attack the reactions has been closure to stations or building due to anonym calls or strange package left there. The truth is that in our country are that there was more cases of robbery in 2013 per 100.000 habitants by day that there has being cases of bombs in subway stations ever. real impact and importance of Terrorist crimes are their consequences.  Terrorism is defined as acts that are intended to cause terror and is this what worries more the authorities of a country. The terror and a population living in fright may cause an decrease on people thrust in government and the society they are in. This will have even greater consequences in the country economy, usually fright and insecurity causes the people to save their money with them and not in banks which is one of the main causes on a crises.
In the other hand studies says that terrorism doesn’t always create trauma in people. In fact, a sample taken in Jerusalem from 2000 to 2004, shows that you can make two groups of people, one who suffer from post-traumatic stress and one who just go on with their lives. It seems that the ones who turn to be more terrorized are those which are further to the assault. all these fact in sight. Is it correct to take all these actions like taking all the dumpsters from the subway? Should Chilean authorities focus in fight the terrorism in our country? And finally, is terrorism a real problem in Chile?


  1. That's what we were talking about the other day! And then you told me about the dumpsters, I think that it's absurd. If someone wants to put a bomb, they'll just do it and it doesn't have to be in a dumpster. In my opinion, terrorism is not a real problem in Chile right now. Just because of isolated incidents of people who want to get attention, cause panic, whatever, we can't talk about terrorism like in other countries, but the government has to focus in fighting against stupid people who think they can hurt innocent people and get away with it. (whoever it was, anarchists, the government itself, etc.)

  2. One of main discussions that has arisen from these incidents is if it's right to talk about terrorism in Chile. Personally, I don't think it would be correct to say terrorism is an actual problem in our country at the moment. Still, it makes total sense that some people might be afraid of these attacks, but I think that the media is also responsible for part of the panic created.
    About the measure of taking away all the dumpsters from the subway stations, I consider it quite ridiculous. As Debora said in her comment, even if you take the dumpsters away it doesn't mean that these people will stop putting bombs. I get they want to prevent these bombings from happening, but doing this won't solve the problem. Then again, even if these attacks have been isolated incidents, the government needs find a way to prevent them from happening before they escalate into something bigger. Thinking like that, maybe they suppose that the measure of taking away the dumpsters is good as long as it helps even a little bit, despite seeming rather silly.

  3. Very interesting topic; it is complicated to determine if the anti-terrorist law in Chile is adequated or not. The situation is very blurry, and the incidents with the bombs in the metro have not been atributed to any specific agrupation yet. I think the possibility of a plan leaded by politic parties may be more realistic that what most people can imagine.

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