Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Discovering history through archaeology: Tutankhamun's Tomb

by Group 4

 According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, archeology is defined as “the scientific study of material remains (as fossil relics, artifacts, and monuments) of past human life and activities.”

 The term “Archeology” did not exist since the beginning of times; in Ancient Rome and Ancient China there were several people that called themselves “antiquatians”, because they studied history focusing on empirical evidence of the past, that is to say, it paid  particular attention to ancient artifacts, historic sites and manuscripts and archives. Later the term for this practice evolved into “Archeology” and became a science during the Enlightenment era in Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries.

We may not be really aware of it, but archeology has taken an important role in life how we know it today. Because of archeology we can prove certain facts about history and even create more knowledge about the past than before. Thanks to archaeological studies, we now can know that, million years ago, dinosaurs along with other animals inhabited the face of earth and also we could discover about ancient cultures way of life.

In fact, in this opportunity, we want to talk about one specific archaeological discovery that caught our attention. We are talking about the discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun, who was a pharaoh that lived during the dynasty XVII of Egypt and ruled from 1336 BC to 1327 BC approximately. He was not a significant pharaoh, and this reign did not last long, but the discovery of his (you may say, small, if compared with other pharaohs) tomb on the XX century revolutionized the press and brought back on the people’s interest in Ancient Egypt.

In 1922, an archaeologist called Howard Carter discovered Tutankhamun’s tomb almost intact. Inside the tomb, the amount of treasures was huge and consisted, among many other items, in various foodstuffs like bread, lamb ribs, different fruits and 30 big jars of wine. It also contained loincloths, bows, knives, a great amount of jewelry and even two female fetuses that may had been the pharaoh’s unborn daughters. These items helped archaeologists figure out important historical facts about Ancient Egypt, like their advances made in technology and science, some of the egyptian's habits unknown before and their art enshrined in urns, coffins, weapons, etc.

Tutankhamun’s tomb

Finally, thought archaeology does not have the popularity it once had in the past, it has been crucial for our existence as human beings. Due to archaeology, we could figure out history as how we know it today and that that way learn from past to keep building the future.

So, what do you think guys about archaeology and the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb? What other archaeological discoveries have catched your attention?

 Please let us know in the comments section below!


  1. Archaeology is amazing, but we are not aware of it until we see how specialists work on a new discovery, or make their work public. Is always good to know more about it!

  2. Personally I think archaeology is part of our lives. Archaeology show us the history which had been left in the past but, isn´t only ancient history. Today we can use the archaeology in forensics ways too, the study of a bone, corpse´s buried leftovers and even the prints in the crime scene are an important advantage. Sadly there isn´t a lot of people interested in archaeology, this topic is difficult and today´s people prefer the easy ways. Even so the new generations are starting to know this field of study, games like Tomb Raider and Professor Layton, series like Bones, books, movies… all of this things help to keep the people´s attention in archaeology in different ways. So I hope more people “get caught” in this amazing field, because there are a lot of history buried in the past yet.

  3. So interesting !
    I agree with you when you say archaeology is really important, since it helps us to comprehend our history and to explain many of our current behaviour that is influenced by our pasts.

    About your question, the thing that catches my atention the most are dinosaurs because it is weird for me to think that there were these huge creatures existing in the same place we are now, but millions of years ago.

  4. As Carolina says, we aren't aware of the importance of archaeology. I think it's really interesting and awesome how people can find a lot of history, culture and legacy with this activity. Also, I consider it's a really complex labour. Sometimes it takes many years to discover just one bone, but it has an important advance to find more and more.
    The most amazing discoveries are like Tutankhamun’s tomb. The finding of a intact corpse it's not an everyday thing. Besides it's not only about the discovery of his body, it's about culture, beliefs, customs and the knowledge of the era; all this is discovered thanks to archaeology.
    We need to attach importance to this kind of activities, support people who wants to study it as a profession, and give money to support people who dedicate his entire life to discover which what the past of time has hidden.

  5. It should be awesome in nowadays if someone finds another ancient secret as the Tutankhamun’s tomb, with a comparable impact in our society and with a similar power of shock the world. I like to believe that still are some things hidden by cultures several years ago, but that secrets have to be found out, and there are not a lot of people who work and live for this goal, and that is sad, because all this things are a piece of us, our history and who we are now. Until the smallest thing had their importance and a role, there is no exception, even the OOPart.

  6. I was always interested in archaeology; when I was a kid I thought it would be awesome to find a dinosaur bone or an old arrow buried in the backyard.
    But anyway, I agree with the fact that archaeology is often overlooked. Thanks to the thousands of discoveries that have been made we have been able to understand how our ancestors dealt with their own problems, what kind of life they had and even understand their vision of the world, such as religion and their beliefs about life after death.
    I'm particularly interested in a special kind of objects called Out-of-place artifacts (OOPArt); they are basically remains of old civilzations that are seemingly too advanced for the context they were used in, such as metal tools that were manufactured before the human knew how to manipulate those materials. Naturally, this is a controversial topic since it challenges many established beliefs, but I think it's so interesting to look at things from a different perspective.

    By the way, I didn't know they found two fetuses in Tutankhamun’s tomb! That's interesting.
