Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The benefits of education

by Group 4

The word "education" is derived from the Latin ēducātiō ("A breeding, a bringing up, a rearing") from ēdūcō ("I educate, I train") which is related to homonymēdūcō ("I lead forth, I take out; I raise up, I erect") from ē- ("from, out of") and dūcō ("I lead, I conduct").
Education is fundamental for the developing of the human mind, being the process of learning-acquiring knowledge, cognitive skills, problem-solving skills-through formal schooling or through many other experiences.

Besides politeness and emotional intelligent, the education allows us to develop our intellectual level, as a result, we shall understand topics that are more and more difficult and complex like medicine, science, chemistry, language, among others.

Education also allows us to acquire an infinity of useful knowledge for human life, and the human being works with its knowledge. In other words, the people work according their knowledge. For example, as doctor, as architect, as building, and so on.

There is also a relation between education and intelligence. As far we can tell, a  person who gets education has more opportunities to develop its intelligence as well its mental abilities.

As mentioned above, there are many advantages of getting education. This is a mechanism that keeps our mind active and due to the fact that it allows us to learn and develop our mind, education is the most valuable tool for humans beings.

School plays an important role in our education, although the superior education is not guaranteed for everyone. If you want to be a nurse, a engineer, or just have a profession, you must study in an institute, university or center of technique formation. In Chile, these educational establishments are private, and you must pay for them huge quantities of money, and of course not everyone has a lot of money to spend in education.

In our country, there is quite a difference between a person who have gotten superior education and a person who have not. The most-measured benefit of higher education is the salary, and reports confirm that higher levels of education do result in higher earning power, and this earning gap increases with higher levels of degree, and also with age. Also, studies say, that those with a college education are more likely to live healthier lifestyles, that education can reduce crime, improve health, lower mortality, and increase political participation.

Socrates once said that the more he learned, the more he became convinced of his own ignorance, and indeed we can say that we never stop learning, and therefore education is a lifelong process.

Do you think education is  that important?
What do you think is the best benefit of education? money? power? knowledge?
Leave your answers in the comments section below!


  1. I think education is one of the most important pillars in the growth of each of us, it helps us develop as people, and as the professionals who want to become someday. Also, education gives us the fundamental values that we need to have a good relationship with others.
    If there were a better education in Chile, from basic education, our country would be much developed than it is now, and of course the crime rates, which in recent times have increased, would considerably fall.
    I hope someday education becomes as important as to make money, only in this way the mentality of people, will change.

  2. Education is almost everything today, if you doesn´t have you will never be able to do a lot of things. Also is practical for every day’s life, is sadly and good at the same time, because the way in that you were educated tells to everyone who are you. Your personality grows up from yourself and yourself is constantly changing, experiences and things that you had learned through your life, that make you in the way you are. For that reason without one or another you will have some empty spaces in your way. Education opens doors and give opportunities.

  3. Education, especially in today's society, is really important. If you want to enjoy a financially stable lifestyle, you need a good job, and for that, you need a good education. Companies probably won't pay attention to you if you don't hold an important degree or have little experience.
    And looking at this from another point of view, education is evidently important for one's personal life, as it can help from social relations, to help you understand your environment, and many other little things that may seem meaningless, such as ways to fix things at home or even to know what's your food made of. Eventually, all this knowledge can make you build new perceptions of the world, and in the best case, grow as a better person. As they say, "you learn something new every day".
