Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Madness in government, the Caligula’s government characteristics.

Group 3

Every single man has a unique combination of moral values, skills, dreams, and whatever we can imagine, and each of them has influence in the way in which a man govern. This fact had been relevant throughout the history; it defines how and what a governor look for, and the way he does, and most commonly in ancient times, how was his end. The Emperor Caligula is an example of this fact. 

Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus (12 AD – 41 AD), or as well-known as Caligula, was the third roman Emperor, after his father the general Germanicus Julius Caesar, both from Julio-Claudian dynasty. Gaius earned his particular nickname when he was a boy, by his father’s soldiers because he used to wear little caligas (soldiers boots) when they were in campaigns in Germania.

There are exactly two sources of information about Caligula from his time. One from Philo, who describes the Caligula’s early reigns, but mostly focuses in events about the Jewish in Judea an Egypt; the another is from Seneca, who let us various anecdotes about Caligula’s personality, but this is not a confidence source because Seneca was a conspirator and was almost put to death by Caligula. Another sources of Caligula’s government, was written generations before his death, so we cannot take them as confidence sources. 

All the sources qualifies Caligula as a epilepticus, cruel, whimsical, sadist, vicious, extremely passionate, obsessed, wasteful, extravagant emperor, besides almost all the sources proof that in the first months Caligula was a great leader, until a sickness let him in the edge of death, and he lost his mind. In this point starts the histories about him and his madness.

After he lost his mind, he became a sexual pervert, in the middle of the banquets he took some random woman and raped her; he organized orgy parties, and even had relationships with his three sisters. In addition, he became to believe he was some kind of god and raised constructions and statues for him around the empire and made giant palace-ships with roman baths, canteens, fruit trees and temples. With all those parties, banquets and monumental constructions he waste all the empire treasures, in that point he raised the taxes and started the persecution of the riches to take his goods, and he used to applied torture or death sentence in his presence when he was eating. 

Some of the craziest things he made as the Emperor was ordered the troops in Britannia collect seashells to pay tribute at the sea. In addition, he made a floating bridge between two important ports for across it riding his famous horse, Incitatus, wearing the Alexander the Great’s breastplate in defiance of a prediction. Moreover, maybe the most famous history about Caligula, he loves his horse – Incitatus – at the point he made a magnificent constructions for him, as a stable of marble and ivory, purple robes, pearl necklaces, and give to the horse a complete house with slaves, furniture and all the luxurious things it may need. Even Caligula planned to make Incitatus a consul or a priest. 

After these actions and some more, senators, praetorian’s guards, familiars and any kind of conspirator killed him.

There are many films and books about Caligula. Starring Malcolm McDowell (A Clockwork Orange, Doomsday, Silent Hill: Revelation), the 1979 film Caligula was a complete failure, and five years before its premiere, the producer of the movie, and founder of the adult magazine Penthouse, turned the film into his own “mature audiences”, making it an X rated film. By the censorship, the movie had not permission to commercialisation until 2007.

Why do you think about Caligula’s style of government? There are nowadays governors as Caligula? If your governor fall sick and lost his mind as Caligula, you will supported him, or you will fight against him?


  1. Caligula was a very special character, the things that he made… seriously from my point of view he was insane. Well probably his was sick, but that doesn´t justify the ways he acted. Many studies sets that he was one of the first true sadists in the world, clearly he had a lot of psychopaths´ characteristics. He committed incest with his own sisters, he raped woman and no one fought against him, because of his power. Is like revolutions stories, where the king is corrupt, greedy and lazy, but do everything that he want until is too late and the people enrage try to get out him of the throne. Sincerely, I think he had a very, very poor way to government, I don´t care if he improved agriculture or something like that he was a villain, and that´s all.

  2. I had read about Caligula before, but not with this much detail. No wonder they killed him, he was a crazy man! I think it's natural that a society doesn't want an unstable person as their leader. Personally, if something like this happened in our country, I would be in favor of getting rid of the president in charge. By peaceful ways, obviously...


  3. In my opinion, he who governs a country must be completely focused and sane. since many important decisions are in his hands. In the case of Caligula, clearly he was sick, and as such, he should not exercise as much power and importance.
    Ideally, the country should be directed and guided by someone who stand out for their skills and ideas, for society to develop and grow. Caligula only focused on their follies and his banalities, neglecting his people, losing the direction of his life and his work as emperor.
